Azadism in 500 Words

Self-interest is a driving force for the vast majority of human behaviour. Incentives should never be underestimated in their importance in influencing the choices people make. By getting the government out of markets, the propensity for the state to create perverse incentives is drastically reduced. Respecting people's personal freedoms, and the right for them to transact with each other freely and voluntarily ensures the self-regulation of markets. This way no central planner is needed, as the market itself adapts to shortages and surpluses via the price mechanism and laws of supply and demand. The only time in which a state may need to step in is to ensure the protection of the market by punishing those who break the Non-Aggression Principle. This is the idea that anyone is free to live however they want to, as long as it does not impede the right for others to do the same. Further to this, innovation best arises when private entities are free and unhindered to compete in a NAP based environment. Not only does this advance human potential, but also protects the consumer from monopoly exploitation. Monopolies only exist with the aid of government through lobbying or other means of corporate welfare. Nationalisation of industries is just another form of monopolisation in which the state takes direct control of the production of goods and services. This inevitability leads to uncompetitive entities that are funded by tax-payer money; not voluntary transaction based on performance as they are paid regardless of output or demand. Therefore, the price mechanism fails and inefficiencies arise as well as a collapse in innovation. Taxes are inherently unjust. It is state-mandated theft. Taxes under Azadism would be reformed initially, before being removed entirely in the long-term. Meanwhile, a Negative Income Tax (NIT) system (or UBI), should be implemented to provide the safety net instead of a corrupt welfare state that perpetuates poverty and takes away opportunity. Minimum wages too should be replaced by an NIT, thereby putting pressure off small businesses and onto the state to provide living wages.  Private charity replaces much of the social security function that the state formally would have provided. The state must be reduced to these four functions initially to be classed as Azadist:


1.National Defence


3.Justice System and Courts

4.Tax administration


From this, the state should gradually reduce its role, and further limit itself out of existence in the long-term. Alongside this, a gradual transition must occur away from taxes to a dasvandh-based system. Combined with a well-armed populace, a Khalsa government is an ideal candidate to administer this process of handing power back into the hands of the people and away from tyrants. They could be organised as a decentralised Misl system made up of many competing groups, each with their own specialisations and Rehit Maryade. Finally, contracts provide a method of private governance by allowing different groups to set their own laws on top of the NAP based law system layer that is voluntary to participate in. Akaaal.

There are almost definitely things here you may disagree with, and this is welcomed. However, I do encourage you to seek the full explanations as to how these conclusions were reached through reading the whole Azadist Manifesto itself. Bite-sized Section Summaries are also available on Instagram.
Introduction to the Azadist Manifesto